Curious about our affordable primary care services? Schedule a free 15-minute appointment to meet our healthcare providers!



You may never experience the opportunity to truly reduce your healthcare costs unless...

A true reality

At Pear’d, we believe common failures of previous healthcare solutions included:

1. The inability to contain costs.
2. A focus on secondary and tertiary care.

Without a central Primary care element, it will be nearly impossible to experience a reduction in your ever-climbing healthcare costs.

Consider This.

Today, CFO’s and HR Director’s across the US are valuing Pear’d immensely, for it has not only helped them attract & retain the finest talent possible, but it has also placed Primary care physicians as a top element in their plan.

This is driving them to reduce long & short-term healthcare costs, while their employees enjoy the extraordinary relationship they are establishing with their Primary care physician.

Consider This…

$100.00 per month/employee will enable you to:

Offer your employees a chance to experience the highest quality, personal & preventative care.

At long last, reduce your healthcare costs.

Enact a talent attracting & talent retaining powerful tool.

Your Employees relationship with their doctor will be your company’s greatest competitive advantage.

doctor talking to patient in hospital bed
doctor talking to patient in hospital bed and looking at chart

We know how hard you work every day to recruit the finest and ensure talent retention. A $100.00 membership with Pear’d may be a most significant element supporting your efforts.

Unless a significant Primary care element is part of your healthcare plan, you may never experience the opportunity to truly reduce your healthcare costs.

photo of two real pears side by side